ANPR - What does ANPR stand for?

ANPR stands for Automatic Number Plate Recognition.

"ANPR is a technology that automatically reads vehicle registration marks (VRMs), allowing these details to be compared against database records.

An ANPR camera takes an image of a vehicle number plate; the image is passed to a reader, which locates the VRM and reads the letters and characters so that they can be identified using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. An image of the view of the number plate and/or overview camera is then saved and checked against the database." (source)

ANPR may also be used for:

Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Advance Notice of Public Rulemaking
Association of National Park Rangers
Atlantic Networks for Prevention Research
Automatic Number Plate Reading

CCTV - What does CCTV stand for?

CCTV stands for Closed Circuit Television.

CCTV is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors. It differs from broadcast television in that the signal is not openly transmitted, though it may employ point-to-point (P2P), point-to-multipoint (P2MP), or mesh wired or wireless links. (source)

CCTV may also stand for China Central Television, the state television broadcaster of the People's Republic of China.